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Q: What is the best treadmill for apartment?
A: Powermax Treadmill is the best for Home or apartments. Precision-machined, steel crowned rollers keep belt centered and running smoothly to reduce noise and wear. Wheel for transportation, Foldable and Easy Installation, MP3, SD card & USB input, speaker.
Q: What is compact treadmill?
A: A compact treadmill is basically a smaller version of a regular treadmill, one that not only occupies less space inside the house but one that you can sometimes fold for easy storage as well.
Q: What is a treadmill exercise?
A: Walking or running on a treadmill is a form of aerobic exercise, which burns calories. Regular use of a treadmill helps you lose weight, especially in conjunction with healthy changes such as an improved diet. The moving belt and absence of wind resistance make running on a treadmill easier than outdoor running.